The development of the world socialist movement has been uneven, with its centre shifting first to Britain and later to France, Germany and Russia. After the dramatic changes in the Soviet Union, China adhered to and developed Marxism, and successfully embarked on the path to socialism with Chinese characteristics. The major achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics have fully demonstrated the superiority of the socialist system and made China increasingly the mainstay of the world socialist cause. While the Paris Commune and the October Revolution were milestones in the history of the world socialist movement, the major achievements of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, especially the success of the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, have largely changed the once passive situation of the world socialist movement after the end of the Cold War. Chinese socialism is of great significance in the history of the development of the Chinese nation, the history of the world socialist movement and the history of human social development, as it will become the third major milestone in the history of the world socialist movement through propelling world history from the Atlantic era into the Pacific era.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2023.No.1.