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Li Xinfeng:Implications of the Chinese-Style Modernization Path for Africa’s Development
     Release time: 2022-08-16

The Western modernization theory, with the opposition between tradition and modernity as the main axis and the Western countries as the paradigm, has charted a “standard” modernization path for developing countries, including African countries, and manifested the ideology of Western colonialism and imperialism. However, the knowledge system of Western modernization has been constantly disproved in practice, and many African countries that have copied and reproduced Western modernization programs and models have been plunged into the plight of economic dislocation and political decay, which has prompted people of wisdom in Africa to reflect on the diversity of modernization paths. The Chinese-style modernization path surpasses the narrow modernization theory of “Western centrism”, is more inclusive and open, and expands the paths and options for other developing countries in the world to achieve modernization. Common prosperity is an important feature of the Chinese-style modernization path, which highlights the institutional advantages and spiritual qualities of the path. African countries have long been unable to escape the poverty trap and have experienced twists and turns in their search for modernization path. The Chinese-style modernization path has provided them with many inspirations and new options, including choosing a development path that suits their national conditions, adhering to a people-centered development ideology, pursuing a “win-win” situation between economic development and environmental protection, and pursuing independence and selfdevelopment with Pan-Africanism as the spiritual guide,etc.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan

From:Studies on Marxism.2022.No.4.

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