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Chen Li:The Origin and Development of the Communist Party of China’s Maintenance of a Global Vision
     Release time: 2022-04-11

This paper discusses the origin and development of one of the ten valuable historical experiences the Party gained in its endeavors over the past century, which is its maintenance of a global vision. It is argued that maintaining a global vision has been a defining character of the CPC since its establishment, has a deep Marxist theoretical origin, represents the CPCs profound understanding of the world development trend, and is a creative transformation and innovative development of the fine traditional Chinese culture. Throughout its endeavors over the past century, the CPC has always maintained a global vision, approaching to Chinas revolution, construction and reform from a global perspective, and taking maintenance of a global vision as part of the cause of human progress. As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, it is necessary to deeply understand the development of the CPCs maintenance of a global vision in the new era and continue to make greater contributions to humanity. A deep understanding of the origin and development of the CPCs maintenance of a global vision is of great importance to deeply understand the fundamental question of what the CPC is and what it wants to do, as well as the glorious history, major achievements, significant contributions and great significance of the endeavors of the CPC over the past century.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


From:Marxism & Reality.2022.No.1.

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