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Jiang Hui:Further Studying the World Significance of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era
     Release time: 2022-04-08

Since the 18 th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, in which all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation work hard together to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and China keeps making greater contributions to humanity. The great success of China in the new era is of great significance not only in the histories of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese nation, but also in the histories of world socialism and human society. To further study the world significance of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era, we must adhere to combining theory with practice, history with reality, and domestic situation with international situation, comprehensively and systematically summarize and refine the valuable experience of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era, profoundly reveal the inherent logic and basic laws of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era, and explain the theoretical, practical, epochal, and world significance of the historic achievements and changes in the new era in an all round way.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


From:World Socialism Studies.2022.No.1.

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