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Li Shenming:The Fundamental Cause of the Disintegration of the Soviet Union: the Degeneration of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
     Release time: 2022-04-01

The disintegration of the Soviet Union is a major historical event in the 20th century. The fundamental reason for its occurrence is not the Soviet Socialist Model, but the degeneration of the Soviet Communist Party, that is, from the Khrushchev group to the Gorbachev group, they gradually divorced, deviated, and finally betrayed Marxism, socialism and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. To reflect and analyze this historical event, we should adhere to Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, that is, adhere to the concept of people first and the concept of practical truth, see the essence through the phenomenon, grasp the principal contradictions, etc. The disintegration of the Soviet Union warned the Communist Party of China that in the process of promoting the modernization of national governance, it must be vigilant in times of peace, unswervingly adhere to the Marxist positions, and rigorous self-governance of the party; Always act in the line with the people-centered and follow the mass line; We should given full consideration to domestic and international imperatives, unswervingly adhere to reform and opening up, and be highly vigilant against the differentiation and infiltration of hostile forces to our country.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


From:CASS Journal of Political Science.2021.No.6.

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