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Yu Bin:On Criticism
     Release time: 2022-02-21

Criticism is the revealing and strengthening of the internal contradictions of things, and its purpose is to facilitate the development of internal contradictions toward denying old things and expediting the birth of new things. There are four types of criticism: theoretical criticism of theory, theoretical criticism of reality, realistic criticism of theory and realistic criticism of reality. Philosophy and social sciences need to scientifically reflect the law of development of things including human society, so they need to reflect the criticism in reality and their development need to be criticized also. The first step of theoretical criticism is to be unbiased. The second step is to criticize from both logic and premise. In addition to theoretical criticism, we should correctly explain the facts involved in the wrong theory and reveal the internal contradictions and development process of things. To carry out realistic criticism, we need to, first of all, master the power of criticism in reality, and then we need to follow the law of social development to use power scientifically.


Editor: Zhong Yao  Zheng Yifan


From:Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan.2021.No.4.

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