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Wang Guang-sen:On the Logical Progression of Mao Ze-dong’s Thought on Party Political Construction During the Anti-Japanese War
     Release time: 2021-07-10




    After the outbreak of the War against Japanese imperialism, the logical progression of Mao Ze-dong’s party political construction during the War came into being,with the concept of “national revolutionary war” as the logical start, the construction of the “Great Project” as the logical intermediary, and the realization of the political leadership of the Party and the defeat of the Japanese invaders as the logical destination. The basic core of the logical progression reflects the requirement that the logical start and the historical start are consistent and that the logical start and the logical destination are unified. It also highlights the logical level, the historical value, and the theoretical value of Mao Ze-dong’s thought on party political construction during the war period, which will definitely offer references for the discourse establishment of party political construction in the new era.





Editor: Zhong Yao





Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2021.No.2.



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