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Shuang Chuan-xue:The Communist Manifesto and the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics
     Release time: 2020-06-30


    In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels for the first time expounded the theory of scientific socialism in a comprehensive and systematical manner. They expounded the basic principles of scientific socialism from four aspects:economic basis, political construction, ideological culture and foreign policy. Socialism realized a leap from fantasy to science and provided scientific theoretical guidance for the International Communist movement. Since the founding of the PRC 70 years ago, the CPC have been uniting and leading all Chinese people throughout the country to make arduous explorations and continuous struggles. They have not only adhered to the basic principles of scientific socialism,but also opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the light of China’s reality and the characteristics of the times. Reviewing The Communist Manifesto is of great practical significance to deepen the understanding of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and to strengthen the“four issues of confidence”in the new era.




Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2019.No.7.


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