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Zhu Jian-jiang:The Realization of Rural Collective Land Ownership and the Development of Collective Economy
     Release time: 2020-06-30


The ownership of rural collective land in China is the material and economic basis of rural collective economy. Realizing rural collective land ownership is the basic premise of the development of collective economy. Due to the separation of the rights of possession, usage, benefit, and disposal of rural collective land ownership, abolished agricultural tax, and the direct admission of rural collective construction land into the market, we should gradually establish the protection and management fee for cultivated land, the fee for paid use of curtilage and the basic quota of the collective construction land, which can form stable income of the collective economy for the vast majority of rural areas in China. Through exploring the realization of rural contracted land ownership, rural curtilage ownership and collective construction land ownership, rural collective economic organizations in China can choose different forms of land management to activate the land. At present, we should focus on further establishing the allocation standards of rural construction land, improving the policies of land acquisition, and revitalizing the reservation of construction land to promote the development of rural collective economy.



Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2019.No.10.


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