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Cao Yongxin:A Couple of Basic Right-Wrong Relations in the Primary Stage of Socialism
     Release time: 2017-03-30



     Xi Jinping proposes that we should maintain the right direction for study.Otherwise, ignoring the direction guided by Marxism would have us lost in complicated situations and become incapable of preventing wrong ideological trends. Due to various reasons,people could not see eye to eye on the basic relations and right -wrong issues of national reality and reform.Hence,tackling right -wrong relations calls for upholding the all -rounded unification in eight aspects:the unification of the core economic construction with ideal faith,that of stressing proceeding from reality with stressing the guidance of theories, that of innovation and reform with carrying forward refined traditions,that of catching up with the international with taking Chinese pathway, that of upholding outstanding national and historical cultural traditions with mitigating superstitious backward customs,that of safeguarding individual rights with upholding socialist collectiveness, that of anti-corruption with reform and development,and the unification of socialism with Chinese characteristics with scientific socialism.





Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2016.No.10.



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