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Li Shenming:On the Connection Between “Rule of Law” and “Rule of Virtue”
     Release time: 2016-09-05



     “Rule of law” carries great weight since it is a rudimentary approach and legal support to bringing forth the goal that people are masters under the guidance of the CPC. However, “Rule of law” is by no means the only way to accomplishing the goal when revolutionary ideal is acknowledged as a pivot to the CPC ’s leadership.The revolutionary ideal works in a long-term,overall and fundamental style while the supremacy of the ideal has been rooted in the implementation of “Rule of law”. Generally, “Rule of law” refers to disciplines by the authority while “rule of virtue” mainly purports to self-discipline. “Rule of virtue takes the central place while Rule of law supplements the governance ” is a favorable legal tradition of Chinese culture. Therefore, we should on the one hand attach importance to the Party ’s ideology issue, stressing the CPC members’ and cadres’ firm stand on righteous ideal and faith, underlining the CPC ’s publicity,political and organizational discipline,and underscoring the study and practice of the “socialist core values” as well as “rule of virtue” in the whole society. On the other hand, we shall timely put forward the unswerving adherence to “rule of law with Chinese characteristics” and streamline people and market behavior by external disciplines.





Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2015.No.12.


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