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Volume   12   Number   1     March   2022





The Historical Direction of Human Civilization—Interview with Wensheng Teng, Fifth President of the International Confucian Association

Wensheng Teng and Yan Wang



Ten Views of Marxism Originating from the Revolution and Development in China and the World

Enfu Cheng


The Chinese Path to Common Prosperity

Michael Dunford


Capitalism and Imperialism in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Century: A Critical Analysis of Conventional and Marxist Theories of Imperialism

Berch Berberogl


Seeking the “Spirit of Capitalism”: The German Historical School and the Controversies about the Origins of Capitalism

John Milios


Reading Hegel after Marx: Lukács and the Question of Teleology

Filippo Menozzi


Why Are the Liberal Studies Textbooks That Stigmatized China Spread in Hong Kong? A Text Analysis from Foucauldian Order of Discourse

Yulong Li and Yuxi Wu


Claiming the City through the Cape Verdean Festivities of Kola San Jon in Lisbon: A Lefebvrian Case Study

Júlia Carolino and Francesco Biagi


Transforming Academic Discourse: A Case Study of International Relations as Discipline

Attiq ur Rehman, Rizwana Abbasi and Azeem Gul