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INTERNATIONAL   CRITICAL   THOUGHT  Volume  10   Number  4   December  2020 




To the 150th Anniversary Birth of V. I. Lenin

Neo-imperialism, the Final Stage of Imperialism

Bin Yu


Creating the Impossible: Lenin’s Legacy

Alexander Buzgalin


V. I. Lenin on Democracy

Joe Pateman



The Economic and Political Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stavros Mavroudeas


Corona’s Bio-Economic Crisis and the Post-Corona World

Cyrus Bina


On Hegemonic Narratives, and the Facts regarding China’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

C. Saratchand and Navpreet Kaur


The Structural Roots of China’s Effectiveness against Coronavirus Pandemic

Francesco Macheda


Beyond Covid-19 Pandemic: Gauging Neoliberal Capitalism and Uniploar World Order

Paramjit Singh


Book Reviews

China’s Anti-epidemic Experience and Its World Significance: An Introduction to China’s Fight against the COVID-19 Epidemic: Its Contribution and Implications to the World in the Eyes of Foreigners

Hui Jiang