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理论创新不应当回避“中国模式”问题                程伟礼 5



——访中国社科院荣誉学部委员、世界历史研究所研究员陈之骅                   本刊记者14


理论与方法:社会主义核心价值体系大众化的探索            吴东华26

科学发展观的理论内涵和重大意义述论                    张贺福  黄华德33


刘 勇44

论民主革命时期中共对马克思、恩格斯、列宁的纪念      林绪武54



——对中国价格管理体制的一种思考                 王今朝 龙 斧63

马克思工人合作工厂理论视阈下的蒙特拉贡合作公司研究      张嘉昕70

论包容性发展理念的生成                任保平 王新建78

经济发展与陷阱跨越:一个理论分析框架             钱运春87



马克思主义人学思想对技术哲学元问题研究的价值      肖 玲  95

马克思的幸福理论及其当代价值                 种海峰 101

莱西的“唯物主义战略”批判辨析               许斗斗 111

论文化认同与中国化的马克思主义                         赵司空 118


“第三条道路” 与民主社会主义的终结        王学军 张森林126

十六大以来党内民主的创新发展及其启示           祖金玉133


国际金融危机再次证明马克思主义政治经济学的强大生命力   李慎明 140


“首届全国马克思主义经济学论坛”综述        王朝科    146

近年圣保罗论坛与拉美左派的巩固和发展                徐世澄152



——《当代马克思主义经济学家:批判与创新》评介     李欣广156

简评《中国共产党经济思想90年》               侯为民158

英文提要                                                       159


· Special Contribution ·

Theoretical Innovation Should Not Avoid the Issue of the “China Model”           Cheng Liwei

· Interview with Personage ·

Historical Materialism and the Study of USSR History – An Interview with Chen Zhihua, Honored Member of the Academic Division of the CASS and Researcher of the Institute of World History of CASS                                                 Reporter of this Magazine

· Marxism-Leninism and Its Sinicization ·

Theory and Method: Exploration into the Popularization of Socialist Core Values System

Wu Donghua

The Theoretical Meaning and Important Significance of Scientific Outlook on Development  Zhang Hefu and Huang Huade

Rethinking on CPC Advancing the Popularization of Marxism in the Intellectuals outside the Party in the Early Stage of New China                                            Liu Yong

The Commemoration of CPC to Marx, Engels and Lenin during the Democratic Revolution  

Lin Xuwu

· Economics ·

A Mathematical Explanation of Marx’s Theory of Value Determining Price – a Deliberation on China’s Price Management System                            Wang Jinchao and Long Fu

Research on the Mondragon Corporation from the Perspective of Marx’s Theory of Workers Corporating Factory                                                   Zhang Jiaxin

The Formation of the Concept of Inclusive Development         Ren Baoping and Wang Xinjian

Economic Development and Leaping over the Trap: a Theoretical Analysis Framework 

Qian Yunchun

· Philosophy and Culture ·

The Significance of Marxist Humanistic Thought to the Primary Question of the Philosophy of Technology                                                            Xiao Ling

Marx’s Theory of Happiness and Its Significance Today                       Chong Haifeng

Analysis of Hugh Lacey’s Critique on “Materialism Strategy”                     Xu Doudou

Cultural Identification and the Sinicized Marxism                             Zhao Sikong

· Politics and Society ·

The Third Road and the End of Democratic Socialism           Wang Xuejun and Zhang Senlin

The Innovative Development of Intra-party Democracy since the 16th National Congress of CPC and Its Implications                                                       Zu Jinyu

· Academic Speech ·

The International Finance Crisis Proves the Strong Vitality of Marxist Political Economics Again

                               Li Shenming

· Trends and Information ·

Review of the First National Marxist Economics Forum             Wang Chaoke and Zhu Kui

The St. Paul Forum in Recent Years and the Consolidation and Development of the Left-wing in Latin America                                                        Xu Shicheng

· Book Review ·

The Popularized Marxist Economics Flourishing in Contemporary China – Review of The Contemporary Marxist Economists: Critique and Innovation                   Li Xinguang

Review of 90 Years of CPC’s Economic Thought                              Hou Weimin













































