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科学的经典  真理的旗帜

——读《共产党宣言》                     侯惠勤 5



——访北京大学教授黄                                本刊记者15


科学发展观与党的指导思想                                      陈占安20

再论解放思想                                                  王树荫26

激发全民族文化创造活力,显著增强国家文化软实力                艾四林30


马克思主义中国化命题提出的历史过程与共产国际七大   侯 波  张喜德34


——兼释程恩富教授的定义                        钟卫华41



——对欧债危机的解读                     崔宏伟 50

从工人控制到管理控制:资本主义工作场所的转型        谢富胜 56

当代积累的社会结构中的劳工问题         〔美〕塞缪尔·罗森伯格 67

成因、效应与政策路径:人口数量控制与中国人口老龄化关系再审视 王爱华 76



马克思主义发展史研究的几个方法问题               梁树发83


泛道德化批判论析              黄明理 吕 林 91

论社会主义核心价值体系的内化条件                    曹健华  彭忠信 99


论中国共产党民本思想对传统民本思想的传承与超越 刘彤 张等文104

新中国成立后毛泽东社会建设思想述论            朱小玲110



——兼评张维迎教授的国有企业私有化       方兴起119


——与王治河、樊美筠教授商榷              程广丽 128


“中国无神论学会2012年学术年会”综述        习五一    137


——“第五届全国马克思主义青年论坛”综述  苑秀丽    141

认真学习领会党的十八大精神 推进思想政治教育理论与实践创新

——2012年全国思想政治教育学术研讨会”综述      陈晓钢146



——《怎样认识“西方马克思主义”》评介      杨  151

英文提要                                                           153

《马克思主义研究》2012年总目录                                    155




· Special Contribution ·

The Scientific Classic and the Banner of Truth – Reading Manifesto of the Communist Party

Hou Huiqin

· Interview ·

On the Innovation of Marxist Philosophy an Interview with Huang Nansen, Professor from the College of Philosophy, Peking University                       Reporter of this Magazine

· Study of the Document of the 18th CPC National Congress ·

The Scientific Outlook on Development and the Guiding Thought               Chen Zhan’an

On Emancipating the Mind Again                                          Wang Shuyin

Stimulating the Cultural Creativity of the Whole Nation and Markedly Enhancing Culture as Part of the Soft Power of the Country                                               Ai Silin

· Marxism-Leninism and Its Sinicization ·

The History of the Proposition of the Sinicization of Marxism and the Seventh Congress of the Communist International                                      Hou Bo and Zhang Xide

Reconsideration of What is Marxism – A Review of the Definition Proposed by Professor Cheng Enfu                                                              Zhong Weihua

· Economics ·

Why Is the Embedded Liberalism in Europe Union Defeated – an Explanation of Euro Debt Crisis

                                                                    Cui Hongwei

From Labor Control to Management Control: the Transformation of Capitalist Workplace

           Xie Fusheng

Labor in Contemporary Social Structure of Accumulation              (US) Samuel Rosenberg

Cause, Effects and Policy: Rethinking the Population Control and the Aging of Population in China

                                                                      Wang Aihua

· Philosophy and Culture ·

Several Problems of the Methodologies in the Study of the History of Marxism      Liang Shufa

On Pan-moralism Critique                                     Huang Mingli and Lv Lin

The Conditions of the Internalization of the Socialist Core Value System    

Cao Jianhua and Peng Zhongxin

· Politics and Society ·

The Continuation and Surpassing of the People-Oriented Ideas in the Chinese Tradition by the Idea

of People First of the CPC                                Liu Tong and Zhang Dengwen

Mao Zedong’s Thought on Social Construction after the Founding of the People’s Republic of

China                                                              Zhu Xiaoling

· Debate ·

Mises’ Paralogism: Socialism is Impossible and Capitalism Is the Only Possible System – A Review of the Privatization of State-owned Enterprises Proposed by Zhang Weiying  

Fang Xingqi

The Poverty of “The Second Enlightenment” – a Discussion with Professor Wang Zhihe and Fan Meiyun                                                           Cheng Guangli

· Trends and Information ·

Review of the Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Atheism 2012

Xi Wuyi and Han Qi

Marxism and the Academic Discourse System with Chinese Characteristics – Review of the Fifth National Youth Forum of Marxism                                         Yuan Xiuli

Studying and Grasping the Spirits of the 18th CPC National Congress and Advancing the Theoretical and Practical Innovation of Ideological and Political Education – Review of the National Conference of Ideological and Political Education 2012             Chen Xiaogang

· Book Review ·

Treating Western Marxism with a Marxist Perspective – Review of How to Understand Western Marxism                                                              Yang Shen




















































