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     Release time: 2024-04-07
  •Special Contribution•      
  From “One Combination” to “Two Combinations”, Constantly Opening up a New Realm of Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times              Li Yi
  Chinese-Style Modernization Is an Important Achievement of Adapting the Modernization Theory of Marx and Engles to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times - An Interview with Professor Yan Shuhan, Chief Expert of the Marxist Theory Research and Construction Project Group                                                   Reporter of this Magazine
  •Studying the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC•
  Enriching and Developing the New Form of Human Civilization through the Great Historical Initiative                                                          Tian Pengying
  Formation, Value and Promotion Path of the CPC’s Historical Confidence       Zhang Zhen
  •Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era•
  The Whole-Process People’s Democracy Shaping and Promoting the Image of Chinese Democracy       Dong Shubin
  New Rural Collective Economy Promoting Common Prosperity of Farmers in New Development Stage                                                               Chen Jian
  •Basic Tenets of Marxism•
  A Reexploration of Marx’s Thesis on “the Natural History of Economic and Social Forms” - From the Perspective of Hegel’s “Natural History of Spirit”                     Liu Zhenjiang
  The Value Purport, Practical Meaning and Contemporary Implications of Marx’s Thought of Social Relations                                                           Bi Guoshuai
  •Sinicization of Marxism•
  The Communist’s “Philosophy of Heart”: Philosophical Interpretation and Contemporary Value       Zhong Jun
  Scientifically Revealing and Grasping the Law of the Transformation of Social Principal Contradictions - The Fundamental Way of “Opening up a New Realm of Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times”                             Li Zhengtu
  On the Methodological Innovation of “Two Combinations” to Promote Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times                               Li Hongwei
  •World Marxism and Socialism•
  The Socialist Movement in Latin America in the Century of Change                   Xiao Yu
  New Exploration of Socialist Road by the Communist Party of India (Marxist)   Zhang Qingzheng
  •Trends and Information•
  Deepening Political Inspection and Promoting Self-Revolution - Review of the Second Symposium on Inspection Theory and Practice, the CPC Inspection Theory Research Centre    Wang Suqin
  Basic Experience and Practice of the CPC Ideological Construction - Review of the Fourth Forum of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Discourse on Ideology and Also the Symposium of the CPC Ideological Construction in the New Journey for the Second Century     Sun Xiuling
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