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     Release time: 2024-04-07

  •Special Contribution•

  Several Issues of Understanding the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC from the Basic Tenets of Marxism                                       Cheng Enfu


  Overall System View of Xi Jinping’ s Methodology of Governance - An Interview with Lu Pinyue, Senior Professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics      

  Reporter of this Magazine

  •Studying the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC•       

  The General Content of the Report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and Its Logic - Interpretation of the Spirit of the Report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC     

  Han Qingxiang

  The Milestone Significance of the Great Changes in the Decade of the New Era for the Development of the Chinese Nation                                     Gong Yun

  A Political Declaration on Comprehensively Building a Modern Socialist Country    

  Lin Jianhua

  •Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era•       

  The High-Quality Development of Family Education and Family Style Construction in the New Era       Jin Fenglin

  Whole-Process People’ s Democracy: Rich Connotation, Value Pursuit and Practical Guidance       Kong Geng

  •Basic Tenets of Marxism•       

  The Visual Image Presentation of Marx’ s Historical Materialism Narrative and Its Implications - An Analysis Based on The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte       Zhang Guoqi

  Engels’ s Critique of Bakunin’ s ‘Anti-Authoritarianism’     and Its Implications - Textual Investigation Based on On Authority                                  Li Zijuan

  •Sinicization of Marxism•       

  Profound Implication and Contemporary Value of the New Breakthrough of Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times                         Zhang Zhongmin

  On the Dual Attributes of Marxist Governing Party and Its Practical Orientation     Zhang Hao

  The Generation Logic, Action Mechanism and Cultivation of the Times of the Cultural Gene of Common Prosperity                                                    Cui Haiying

  •Critique of Contemporary Capitalism•       

  A Critical Interpretation of the Political Economy of “Algorithmic Capitalism”       Sun Liang

  Critique of Digital Capitalism in the West from the Perspective of Marx’ s Theory of Capital Accumulation                                                           Xu Jingyi

  •Trends and Information•       

  A Profound Demonstration of the Truth Power of Marxism in the 21st Century - Review of the High-Level Forum 2022 of the Chinese Society of Historical Materialism       Zhu Liying

  Writing a New Chapter of Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of Our Times - Review of the 14th National Forum for Young Marxist Scholars               Deng Hua

  Navigation by Thought, Forging Soul by Spirit, and Educating People by Culture - Review of the Forum of Integrating the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC into the Ideological and Political Courses of the Colleges and Universities                         Liu Yousheng

  New Development of the Foreign Economic Theories and Chinese Economic Studies - Review of the 30th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Foreign Economic Theories    

  Wei Yiqing


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