The article focuses on interactions and cooperation between peoples and countries of the Global South which are getting more relevant in the contemporary era. It analyses mainly socialist tendencies in the South-South cooperation by specifying three issues: a conceptual typology of states, and interrelated concepts of independence and development. It proceeds in the following sequence of steps. First, it explains the typology of states in the Global South, specifically by using the global comparative typology of socialist countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Second, it identifies the basic kinds of periods of the struggle for independence and the struggle for development since World War II to specify the cooperation conceptually in a chronological way. From perspectives of social and political philosophy and global studies, the article contributes to the understanding of cooperation in the contemporary multipolar and multilateral tendencies in the world.
KEYWORDS: South-South cooperation; socialist state; independence; development
From: International Critical Thought 2024 14 (3)
Editor: Wang Yi