Nikos Mottas
What is the major objective of anti-communism in our days? The attempt to poison the working masses, mainly the younger generations, about the past, the present but most importantly about the future of socialism-communism. The aim is to convince the masses that capitalist barbarism is supposedly eternal, that there is no alternative socio-economic system rather than the exploitation of man by man. That is exactly why, the contemporary struggle against monopoly capitalism must go hand-by-hand with the study of history, so that we draw valuable conclusions from the struggles of the previous generations of communists and the heroic traditions of the international communist movement. The struggle against anti-communism, the expose of historical falsehoods, are inextricably linked to the broader class struggle for the emancipation of the working class from the shackles of exploitation.
In the following lines, we provide some limited, but otherwise quite characteristic, examples of anti-communist fallacies that have dominated the bourgeois historiography during the last decades, as a modestcontribution to the dialogue on the History of Communism.
From: World Marxist Review 2024 1 (3)
Editor: Wang Yi