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Yang Yiyong,Huang Yanfen:Accurately Grasp the Relationship Between Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Developing New Quality Productive Forces
     Release time: 2024-11-28

  Improving the institutional mechanism for developing new productive forces in accordance with local conditions is the latest requirement put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which is a crucial aspect of comprehensively deepening reform. Accurately understanding the relationship between comprehensively deepening reform and developing new quality productive forces is the basic premise for cultivating and developing new quality productive forces. From the perspective of underlying logic, this paper studies in depth the relationship between comprehensively deepening reform and developing new quality productive forces. Moreover, it attaches great importance to the objective role of the new production relations and the two intermediate variables of total factor productivity. Comprehensively deepening reform serves the development of new quality productive forces, which in turn demands more suitable production relations. The goal of developing these new quality productive forces is to significantly enhance total factor productivity, and it is an arduous task to improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions. 

  Editor: Zhong Yao  Wei Xiaoxue 

  From: Think Tank:Theory & Practice.2024.No.5. 


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