This paper offers a rethinking of the concept of ‘dialectic’ in Marxist theory. It is often argued that in the work of Marx and Engels, ‘dialectic’ is a concept not explicitly defined. The lack of clarity has given rise to various interpretations that can be broadly distinguished into two currents: one current deals with dialectic in every part of reality and the other is concerned with dialectic as a method in Marx’s Capital. We explain that the main differences between the two currents are traced to Marx’s and Engels’ different understandings of dialectic. Accordingly, we attempt to clarify what constitutes dialectic as a method of scientific inquiry. Thus, the paper argues that dialectic as a method of scientific inquiry exists exclusively as systematic dialectic. From this point of view, its applicability is limited and linked to the specificity and stage of development of the given subject matter. Upon this theoretical argument, issues such as the dialectics of nature, the logic of Capital, ontologism and so forth, are discussed.
Keywords: Marx’s Method; Hegel; Systematic Dialectics; Logic of Capital; Science of Logic; Speculative Method
From: Critique 2023 51 (2-3)
Editor: Wang Yi