Wang Jianfeng: The US “Summit for Democracy” and New Challenges to China’s Ideological Security
Release time: 2024-08-20
The US “Summit for Democracy” is a value-driven diplomatic platform created by the Biden administration to promote “American-style democracy” globally and to strengthen global ideological competition. This summit aims to consolidate America’s global “leadership” with regards to democracy and ideology while masking its “undemocratic” appearance at home to maintain the image of a “beacon of democracy”. However, the three significant flaws, i. e. , the monolithic model of its “democracy”, the uncertain criteria of “democracy” and the unrealistic nature of democracy-related narratives, will severely undermine the authority and credibility of the “Summit for Democracy” in the sphere of “democracy” around the world. In the meantime, the new round of global ideological competition triggered by the US “Summit for Democracy” would bring new external pressure to China’s ideological security.
Editor: Zhong Yao Deng Panyi
From:World Socialism Studies.2024.No.6.