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Lu Te: “Unitary Multiethnic State of China” : the Conceptual Origin and Discourse Evolution
     Release time: 2024-06-12
  “Unitary Multiethnic state of China” is a political concept and discourse expression with Chinese characteristics.Existing studies focus on its historical proof and theoretical interpretation, but few have combed its conceptual origin and discourse evolution from the perspective of conceptual history. The concept of “Unitary Multiethnic state of China” was conceived in the discourse of “China’s unification” in China since ancient times, generated in the social practice during the revolution, construction and reform of the Communist Party of China, and through the theoretical innovation since the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, its conceptual connotation is increasingly rich, the value of discourse is fully manifested, and the construction method is gradually clear. By combing its conceptual history, we can clarify the political implication behind the concept and discourse,deeply understand the history and national conditions of China as a “Unitary Multiethnic state of China”, and provide theoretical guidance for promoting the construction of the Chinese nation community and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Deng Panyi
  From: Socialism Studies.2024.No.1.
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