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Li Tian: The Evolution of Mao Zedong’s Conception of Formulating the “Common Program” during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
     Release time: 2024-01-12
  After the Wayaobu Conference, the CPC formally proposed to formulate a “common program” for the Chinese united front against Japanese aggression, and Mao Zedong explained its political connotation and core issues on many occasions. After the Luochuan Conference, Mao Zedong pointed out that the Three Principles of the People and the Ten Programs for Resisting Japan and National Salvation should be the main contents of the “common program”. With the formal completion of the second cooperation between the KMT and the CPC, Mao Zedong further believed that the Ten Programs for Resisting Japan and National Salvation was essentially the Three Principles of the People, and called on the KMT and the CPC to correctly implement the “common program” of the Three Principles of the People. However, as the KMT adhered to the line of the one-sided Resistance against Japanese Aggression and repeatedly created anti-Communist climaxes, the political foundation for formulating the “common program” had been continuously eroded. On the eve of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, according to the changes in the domestic political situation, Mao Zedong proposed to formulate a “common program” with the democratic parties. At the same time, he put forward a clear division of the general program and the specific program in the political report of the Seventh CPC National Congress, which provided a theoretical basis for the CPC’s proposition of establishing a coalition government.During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,Mao Zedong’s strategic concept of formulating a “common program” clearly expressed the political stance, principles and policies of the Chinese Communists to adhere to the line of the total Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.
  Editor: Zhong Yao、Liu Tingting
  From:Journal of Yan'an University(Social Sciences Edition).2023.No.4.
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