The essential attribute of Marxist governing party includes political attribute and social attribute. Among them, the political attribute is the fundamental attribute of the party. Its essence is the class nature of the party, its core is to adhere to the party’s leadership over the state power, and this attribute requires the Party to adhere to the class position, consolidate the class foundation, adhere to the lofty ideal, implement the political line and highlight the political function in the practice of governing. The social attribute is also an important attribute of the Party. Its essence is the people’s nature of the party, its core is for the interests of the vast majority of the society, and this attribute requires the Party to stand firmly on the people position, expand the mass base, establish common ideals, take the mass line and play the service function in the practice of governing. Political attribute and social attribute are interrelated and unified, social attribute is subordinate to political attribute, political attribute resides in social attribute, and they can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. In order to realize the internal unity of political attribute and social attribute in governing practice, Marxist political parties must adhere to the organic unity of class position and people position, class basis and mass basis, lofty ideal and common ideal, political line and mass line, and political function and service function.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Studies on Marxism.2022.No.11.