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Exploring the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: From “Following the Path of the Russians” to “Taking China’s Own Path”
     Release time: 2023-03-02


Whether we are discussing revolution, construction or reform, the most fundamental question is always that of the path being pursued. In exploring its path of socialism with Chinese characteristics over the past century, the Communist Party of China has moved from “following the path of the Russians” to “learning to walk independently,” and then to “taking China’s own path and building socialism with Chinese characteristics” and “unswervingly taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” In the process, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics has become clearer and broader, and has shown a strong, continuing vitality. The implications of this transformation are as follows: upholding the principle of independence, since copying the experience and models of other countries will never succeed; innovating on the basis of what has worked in the past, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific realities; maintaining the foundation of Chinese civilization, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China’s rich traditional culture so as to enhance the vitality of Chinese national civilization; Keeping the world in mind, since “taking China’s own path” is simultaneously to take the path of world civilization.


KEYWORDS: The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; basic principles of Marxism; China’s rich traditional culture; independence; seeking lessons from the Soviet Union


From: International Critical Thought 2022 12 (4)

Editor: Wang Yi

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