Only by adhering to the scientific capital concept explained by Marx in Das Capital, and making a clear distinction between historical materialism and historical idealism, can we understand the capital phenomenon in contemporary China’s real economy, so as to correctly regulate and guide the healthy development of all kinds of capital. In the real economy of developing commodity production, public capital and private capital have some similarities, but there are essential differences. We should fully understand that the division of public and private capital is the basic criterion for judging the nature of all kinds of capital. From the perspective of the role of public and private capital in contemporary China’s social economy, the contradiction between them is both unity and opposition, especially the antagonism of public and private capital should not be forgotten. From the current practical work of guiding and standardizing the healthy development of capital, we should attach great importance to restoring and ensuring the dominant position of public capital in total social capital, effectively play the leading role of state-owned capital, strictly control the disorderly development of private capital, strengthen control over the quality and quantity of foreign capital introduced, and let state-owned capital firmly control the national financial system.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business.2023.No.1.