Feng Yanli:The Practice and Development of the Marxist Concept of Fairness and Justice by the Communist Party of China
Release time: 2022-08-02
In the historical process of leading the revolution, construction, and reform over the past century, the Communist Party of China(CPC) has consistently upheld, innovated, and developed the Marxist concept of fairness and justice, and promoted new achievements in the theoretical and practical innovation of fairness and justice. The practice and development of the Marxist view of fairness and justice by the CPC over the past century can be roughly divided into four stages. The great achievements in the new-democratic revolution created fundamental political and social conditions for realizing fairness and justice; the great achievements in the socialist revolution and construction laid down the fundamental political conditions and the institutional foundations necessary for realizing fairness and justice; the great achievements in the reforming and opening up, and socialist modernization provided the realization of fairness and justice with dynamic institutional frameworks and better material conditions; and the great achievements in the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era enabled the realization of fairness and justice with more robust institutions and stronger material foundations. The CPC’s 100-year journey in practicing and developing the Marxist concept of fairness and justice enlightens us: in advancing the theoretical innovation and practical progress of fairness and justice, we need to adhere to Marxist historical materialism as the basic method, the people-centered philosophy as the fundamental position, and the theoretical innovation of Marxist fairness and justice as the premise of advancing the progress in the practice of fairness and justice.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Journal of the Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C.(Chinese Academy of Governance).2022.No.3.