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Liu Haixia:Dynamics of Competition and Cooperation between the Two System under Profound World Changes Unseen in a Century
     Release time: 2022-07-13

The new competitive and cooperative relationship between the two social systems, capitalism and socialism, is an important part of the profound world changes unseen in a century. Under the intertwined profound changes unseen in a century and the pandemic of the century, the United States and the West not only fail to join hands to address global challenges, but instead advocate comprehensive strategic competition with China in areas ranging from democracy, human rights and military security, to the dominance of advanced technology and supply chains, and to the narrative of the responses to the pandemic. They also released a new Indo-Pacific strategic report, which brought about major changes in the strategic environment in which the two systems coexist. Only by deeply grasping the “changed” and the “unchanged” of the profound changes unseen in a century,comprehensively interpreting the “major power competition” strategy of the United States and the West, and gaining a clear understanding of the new dynamics of competition and cooperation between the two systems, can we truly understand the relationship between China and the world and handle this relationship correctly. To judge the development trend of the relationship, we not only need to have a deep understanding of the essence of international monopoly capitalism and of that the strategy of the United States to ally with Europe in containing China will not change in the short term, but also need to see the differences in the transatlantic alliance, the dilemma of the United States fighting on two fronts after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the complicated mentality of the EU to bet on both sides in the US-China-EU trilateral relationship. Most importantly, we need to see the unprecedentedly deepening interdependence of different countries under fierce competition, and will play an active role in shaping the world. China should promote a Sino-US relations and a new type of international relations in healthy competitions based on coordination,cooperation, and stability, and lead the contest between the two systems to an end in favor of the socialist one.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


From:World Socialism Studies.2022.No.4.

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