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Zhou Miao:Lenin’s Theory on the Tactics and Strategies of Socialist Movement and Its Implication
     Release time: 2021-12-20

Lenin greatly enriched and developed the theory of proletariat’s revolutionary movements. The theory mainly includes the following aspects: Correct judgment about the problems of the times is the prerequisite for formulating strategies of socialist revolutionary movements; while firmly upholding the objectives of socialist revolution,the different goals,tasks and methods at different stages of socialist revolution should be distinguished; close attention should be paid to the revolutionary movements in colonial and semi-colonial countries, and internationalism of the socialist cause should be upheld; socialist construction should be vigorously strengthened and political and economic relations with capitalist countries should be flexibly handled so as to consolidate and develop proletarian powers. In the face of the great changes unprecedented in a century, reviewing and studying Lenin’s strategic and tactical theory on socialist revolutionary movement is of great theoretical and practical value for us to maintain strategic determination, overcome difficulties, and promote continuous development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the world socialism.


Editor: Zhong Yao  Zheng Yifan


From:World Socialism Studies.2021.No.2.

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