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Ding Shuai:The Intrinsic Nature of China’s Socialist Industrialisation and Its Implications
     Release time: 2021-01-24


Since the founding of the PRC, under the guidance of Marxist industrialisation theory, the CPC has successfully led the Chinese people to achieve a path of socialist industrialisation,demonstrating the socialist nature of industrialisation:the institutional guarantee of socialist public ownership, the political guarantee of the leadership of the

CPC, scientific and technological innovation as the core driving force, and the dominant position of state-owned enterprises as the practical foundation. It is on this basis that the new China has made the transition from a poor and backward agricultural country to an industrial power and begun the historical leap towards an industrialized nation. In this regard, we should constanty adhere to the socialist nature of the road to industrialisation, uphold Marxist theory as the guiding ideology, continually promote institutional innovation and independent innovation, and cling to the people-centred approach to realise the fundamental objective of common prosperity.





Editor: Zhong Yao





Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2020.No.9.


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