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Cao Yong-xin:On the CPC’s Conservative Innovation of Marxist Party Character
     Release time: 2021-01-03


The party nature of a Marxist party determines its vitality. Throughout the development of Marxist political parties, a party with a strong party character will promote the development of social productivity, the well-being of the masses, and the progress of social history. Founded in accordance with the Marxist-Leninist principles of party construction, the CPC adhered to the general provisions of Marxist party character, based itself on the long-term practice of socialist revolution, construction and reform in China,sticked to the righteousness and innovation in its party character training, and established its own party character principles. In the new era, the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jin-ping as its core, has vigorously promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party from the aspects of political, ideological, organizational, style and system construction, actively promoted the self-revolution of the CPC, and further promoted the conscientious innovation of its character.




Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2020.No.3.


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