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We Are Still in the Historical Era Specified by Marxism
     Release time: 2020-06-03


Hui Jiang

Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China



Although our times have changed greatly and profoundly compared with Marx’s, we are still in the “era of transition from capitalism to socialism” as indicated by Marxism. This is based on Marxist historical materialism, on the laws of the movement of social basic contradictions—the dialectical unity of productive forces and relations of production, and economic basis and superstructure, and on the actual situation of basic contradictions of capitalism, as well as the development trend of the world socialist movement. The Chinese communists have been creatively grasping the organic unity of the essence and characteristics of the times, following up the development trend of the times, leading the Chinese people into a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese program for solving the problems of human development. China has been promoting the building of a “community with a shared future for mankind” and has been committed to building a world of lasting peace, common security and prosperity, openness and inclusiveness, and cleanliness and beauty, safeguarding world peace on the basis of seeking common ground while reserving differences, and promoting the establishment of a world of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation.



Received 16 March 2019

Revised 20 May 2019

Accepted 12 June 2019



Sinicization of Marxism; socialism with Chinese characteristics; community with a shared future for mankind


From: International Critical Thought 2019 9 (3)

Editor: Wang Yi


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