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The Molecular Biology of the Elites Is Replaced by an Environmentally Interactive Biology of Social Equality
     Release time: 2019-06-19


Christos D. Georgiou



What is life, and ultimately human nature and its biology? The answer to these questions requires a close examination of the scientific validity of the widespread gene-centred notion of human nature’s blind dependence on “selfish genes.” This perception has been imposed on biological science and eventually on the public by the economic elites since the 1920s, with the creation of Molecular Biology in order to scientifically justify their economic-political power as inherently (genetically) predetermined. However, new scientific developments in biology have questioned this perception, and redefine human nature as the result of biochemical interactions, feedback and modulation mechanisms between life’s different levels of organization (cells, organs, organism) with the environment, physical and social. DNA is acting as a passive library of stored genetic information provided on demand by the organisms, and man, in response of their adaptive requirements to their intra-/inter-organisms’ environment, and also to the external (physical, social) environment, which life itself modifies in response. The present study expands the scientific arguments of a previous critique of Marx and Marxism on its acceptance of genetic inequality among humans, for the main reason that this unscientific notion and centrepiece of the ideology of the economic elites pervades and the core of the ideology of the communist, left and anarchist fragmentations of Marxism. The new scientific evidence clearly shows that the biology of man necessitates that for his survival as species he should organize socio-political structures comprised of individuals unconditionally recognized as biologically and intellectually equivalent from birth. The new science of Biology is presented here extensively and in layman’s terms with the wish to be considered by scientific study groups formulated in each and every political fragmentation of the left to help converge into a new unifying ideology of unconditional equality among men. Such ideology should be fully depleted from any elements of the gene-centred ideology of the capitalist elites as to be clearly recognized and contrasted by the masses, in order to help them realize that they are viewed by the elites as genetically inferior and degenerate disposables, with the aim to give them a clearer purpose to react against them.



Social equality, biology, Marxism, communist ideology, left


From: Critique 2019 47 (1)

Editor: Wang Yi


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