
王 珍:“金融危机以来国外马克思主义研究的若干新进展及启示”会议综述

来源:马克思主义研究网 发布时间:2012-07-19
字体: 打印


  A review of “The new progress and enlightenment of foreign Marxist study after the financial crisis”

  On July 11, 2012, the foreign research department of the Academy of Marxism , Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, had organized a symposium named “The new progress and enlightenment of foreign Marxist study after the financial crisis” in the Academy of Marxism. Firstly, Associate Professor Li Ruiqin gave a lecture named “On the understanding of the roots of the financial crisis in Russia and the Russian government anti-crisis measures”. The report pointed out that the Russian Communist Party and other left-wing scholars emphasize that the root causes of the global financial crisis is the proliferation of neo-liberalism, and people realize privatization and government ineffective anti-crisis measures led to the spread of the financial crisis. Thus the solution of the crisis lies in the socialism. Secondly, Associate Professor Yu Haiqing gave a lecture entitled “an American-style oligarchy – Krugman’s critical review on inequality of American society”. Though analyzing Paul Krugman’s book she argues that the Washington consensus, in favor of free market, caused the sharp fall of tax rates of the people with high income and the real wages the people with lowest income, and the collapse of private-sector union. Thus the real reason of the unequal growth is politics rather than the so-called culture and education. Then Dr. Gao Jingyu and Dr. Wang Zhen gave lectures on the alternatives to the capitalism raised by Western left-wing scholars. They describe the programs of reform aiming at establishing a socialist society or returning to traditional social democracy, and introduce some localized forms of reform guided by economic democracy ideology in Canada and Spain. The conference discussed economic, political, and cultural issues raised by many famous scholars in major countries including the United States, Russia and Europe, and made constructive commented on the points of view of today’s financial crisis.

  (Wang Zhen)
