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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 2019



Competition and Cooperation between Financial Capital and Functional Capital in the Era of Financialization: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of US Financialization

Feng Zhao and Shenxiao Ma


Why did the World Economic Crisis of 2008–2009 End in the Great Recession? —A Critical Comparison of the Great Depression and the Great Recession

Shinjiro Hagiwara


Government Debts and Fiscal Deficits in the United Kingdom: A Critical Review

Kalim Siddiqui


Did Marx Have a Labour Theory of Value?

Paul Cockshott


A Proof of Labor Theory of Value Based on Marginalist Principle

Hiroshi Onishi


The Value Theory of Labor Based on Marginalist Principles

Romar Correa



A Continuation of the Debate over Money and Totality

Fred Moseley



For Him, Art, Research, Creation and Politics Were the Same Thing—In Memory of Paul Boccara

Peter Herrmann



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发布时间:2020-03-20 22:18:00