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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 2018




Which Way Forward: Marx’s Theory or Sraffa’s Theory? — A Reply to Laibman

Fred Moseley


The Revolution of Capitalist Relations Induced by the Technological Revolution of Electronics

Bruce E. Parry


Upscaling Agroecology: A Marxist Political Economy Approach to the ‘Feed the World’ Debate

Zhaochang Peng


Capitalist Development and Agrarian Change on the Latin American Periphery

Raúl Delgado Wise and Henry Veltmeyer


The Political Economy of India’s Post-Planning Economic Reform: A Critical Review

Kalim Siddiqui


A Long History of Wall Street Bailouts and How Puerto Rico Will Not Be Different

Mayra Velez-Serrano



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发布时间:2019-04-20 23:37:00