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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2017



Stock Market Crash, New Market Failure Theory and Extremely Great Economic and Financial Crises

Bin Yang


Sraffa’s Reproduction Prices versus Prices of Production: Probability and Convergence

W. Paul Cockshott


Gods outside the Market: Central Banks, China and the Emergence of Neoliberal State Capitalism

Paul Kellogg


Commodification of Healthcare and Its Consequences

Isaac Christiansen


The US Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency: Implications for US Hegemony

Thomas Costigan, Drew Cottle and Angela Keys


Book Review

Review of Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Democracy by Jerry Harris

Marek Hrubec



WAPE Membership Information


Guidelines for Contributors


Call for Papers: The October Revolution: Promoting the Development of World Economy and Improving People’s LivelihoodThe Twelfth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy




发布时间:2017-04-29 21:34:00