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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 7, No. 3, Fall 2016



Comments on and Prospect for China’s Current Macroeconomic Development: Ten Measures to Guide the Economic New Normal

Enfu Cheng and Jiankun Gao


A Brief History of the Dissemination and Reception of Karl Marx’s Capital in the United States and Britain

Babak Amini


Transformations in Argentina’s Capitalist Development since the Neoliberal Age: Limits and Possibilities of a Peripheral Development Strategy

Mariano Féliz


The European Neoliberal Order and the Eurocrisis: Blame It All on Germany?

José Manuel Pureza and Mariana Mortágua


The Age of Large-Population Countries and Marxian Optimal Growth Theory

Hiroshi Onishi and Ryo Kanae



WAPE Membership Information


Guidelines for Contributors


Call for Papers: The October Revolution: Promoting the Development of World Economy and Improving People’s LivelihoodThe Twelfth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy




发布时间:2017-04-29 21:34:00