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  World Review of Political Economy

  Journal of the World Association for Political Economy

  Volume 3 • Number 4 • Winter 2012




  The Bifurcation of Marxist Economic Analysis

  Jack Rasmus

  The Theoretical Context of the Arguments on Steedman’s Critique and the New Explanation of “Negative Value”

  Yan Ma and Jinqiang Yan

  What is the Problem with Neoclassical Price Theory?

  Howard Nicholas

  Is “Walras’ Law” Really Walras’s Original Law?

  Ezra Davar


  Responses to Questions on the First Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street

  James Craven and Xinning Zhang


  The Academic Career and Achievements of Jean-Claude Delaunay

  Shan Tong





发布时间:2013-07-15 21:43:11