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Volume 12   Number  4   December  2022 





Socialism, Communism, and Concrete Marxism

Antonis Balasopoulos and Roland Boer



Exploring the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: From “Following the Path of the Russians” to “Taking China’s Own Path”

Yan Duan


The Use of Marxist-Leninist Principles for Establishing Socialism in Vietnam

Van Loi Le


The End of the “End of History”: A New Wave of Conflict in the World between a Liberalism That Is Becoming Conservative and a Socialism That Is Seeking Renewal

Alexander Buzgalin


V. I. Lenin’s Struggle against Anarchism

Joe Pateman


The Ontology and Social Dimension of Knowledge: The Internet Quanta Time  

Guglielmo Carchedi


Samir Amin and the Changing of the World

Annamaria Artner


“The True Practice Is Theory”: Edgar Bauer, Republicanism, and the Young Hegelians

Charles Barbour


发布时间:2022-10-28 15:09:00