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Volume   12    Number   2      June   2022




Democracy and Human Rights

The Imperialism of Democracy and Human Rights vs the Democracy and Human Rights of Imperialism

Radhika Desai


The Revolutionary Origins of Democracy and Civil Society

Jerry Harris


The Distinction between True and False Democracy

Xiangyang Xin


Democracy: A Word to Be Liberated

Vladimiro Giacché


The Universalization of “Liberal Democracy”

Danny Haiphong and Carlos Martinez


Multiple Ways to Democracy in Contemporary China

Cristina Reigadas


The Concrete Conditions of Human Rights: Western and Chinese Approaches

Roland Boer


Capitalism, Socialism and the Human Right to Development

Justin Theodra



Correctly Interpreting the Relationship between Two Historical Periods before and after the Reform and Opening Up in China

Yun Gong


A Theoretical Consideration of the Socialist Market Economy

C. Saratchand


The Marginalized and Critical Theory: Dialectics of Universalism

Saladdin Ahmed


The Rational Kernel of Hegel’s Dialectic

Sean Sayers

发布时间:2022-10-28 15:07:00