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INTERNATIONAL   CRITICAL   THOUGHT  Volume   11   Number   1     March   2021




Five Hundred Years of World Socialism and Its Prospect: Interview with Professor Enfu Cheng

Enfu Cheng and Jun Zhang



China and Market Socialism: A New Socioeconomic Formation

Elias Jabbour, Alexis Dantas and Carlos Espíndola


Socialism as an Organic Democratic Form of Life: On Axel Honneth’s Project of a Renewal of Socialism Based on Social Freedom

Luiz Repa


Engels on the Dialectical Ontology of Nature: Climate and the “Heavy Atlantic Rain Clouds” of Ireland

Eamonn Slater


Friedrich Engels’s Critique of the Nature of Social Justice under Capitalism

Minh Hoan Nguyen


The Winding Paths of Hegemony: Giovanni Arrighi and the Limits of the Theory of Hegemonic Transitions

Giuseppe Montalbano


Lenin’s Theory of the Weakest Link and the Intervention by the Greek Radical Left in the Course of the Crisis: Lessons for the Future

Spyros Sakellaropoulos


Notes for Illuminating Freedom and Knowledge in Das Kapital: Aristotle, Leibniz, and Spinoza

Darko Suvin


The Mytho-Logics of Othering and Containment: Culture, Politics and Theory in International Relations

Albert Doja and Enika Abazi


发布时间:2021-04-19 08:05:00