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Volume  9   Number  2   June  2019




Class and Class Consciousness in Marxist Theory

Andrew Milner


The Working Class and the Middle Classes in the Greek Economic Crisis: Allies in a Common Anti-Neoliberal Strategy?

George Economakis and John Milios


Dispossessions in Historical Capitalism: Expansion or Exhaustion of the System?

Daniel Bin


One Belt and One Road, China’s Massive Infrastructure Project to Boost Trade and Economy: An Overview

Kalim Siddiqui


Socialism in Cuba: Debate and Socialist Renewal for the Twenty-First Century

Tom G. Griffiths


The Rise of Populism, the Demise of the Neoliberal and Neoconservative Globalist Projects, and the War on Human Rights

Darren J. O’Byrne


Food Dependency and Global Food Crisis

Zhun Xu


Globalization within and across Borders: From Cuba to Syracuse, New York

Erika Carter Grosso


Health and Development Challenges: A Nested Typology of 123 Developing Countries

Isaac Christiansen


Information and Trends

Domenico Losurdo 1941–2018, In Memoriam

Stefano G. Azzarà




发布时间:2020-03-20 22:15:00