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Volume  8   Number  3    September   2018






Lenin and the Conditions for Socialist Transition

Marcos Del Roio


Reflections on the Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Sean Sayers


State, Emancipation and the Rise of China

Serafettin Yilmaz


Research Methods of American Scholars Studying the China Road

Li Liang and Zheng Guoyu


Human Rights as Hinge Principles

Jeff Noonan


The Revaluation of All Values: Extremism, the Ultra-Left, and Revolutionary Anthropology

Chamsy el-Ojeili and Dylan Taylor


David Ricardo’s Comparative Advantage and Developing Countries: Myth and Reality

Kalim Siddiqui


Constructing National Interests: Narrating the Suez Crisis

Shih-Yu Chou


Metabolic Rifts, Temporal Imperatives, and Geographical Shifts: Logging in the Adirondack Forest in the 1800s

Daniel Auerbach and Brett Clark


Book Reviews

Review of Plural Temporality: Transindividuality and the Aleatory between Spinoza and Althusser by Vittorio Morfino

Dave Mesing


Review of The Hungarian Writings by Karl Polanyi

Omer Moussaly


Information and Trends

Agrotowns, a Brief History and Review of Resources

Donald Donato








发布时间:2019-04-20 23:36:00