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Volume  8   Number  1   March  2018






Past, Present and Future of World Socialism

Heinz Dieterich


An Analysis of the Anti-socialist Nature of Neo-liberalism

He Bingmeng


Capital, Economic Growth, and Socio-Ecological Crisis: A Critique of De-growth

George Liodakis


An Intellectual Mass-Transformism: Restoration and Postmodern Passive Revolution in the Neo-liberal Cycle

Stefano G. Azzarà


The Situationists, Marcuse and the “Great Refusal” of the “Hopeless Cases”: The Socially Marginalized, Rebellion and Revolution

Julian Eagles


Contesting, (Re)producing or Surviving Precarity?—Debates on Precarious Work and Informal Labor Reexamined

Mushahid Hussain


The Role of Group Dynamics in the Transformation of Society toward Democratic “Solidarity”

Mark Blum


The Russian Revolution at 100: Sorting through the Interpretations

David Laibman


Book Reviews

Review of The Origins of Collective Decision Making by Andy Blunden

Bridget Leach


Review of The Birth of Modern China: The Middle Kingdom in Globalization by Quynh Delaunay

Hervé Terral


Information and Trends

Alexandra Kollontai: Socialist Feminism in Theory and Practice

Joan Roelofs



发布时间:2019-04-20 23:35:00