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Volume 7   Number 4   December  2017





The Earth-System Crisis and Ecological Civilization: A Marxian View

John Bellamy Foster


Living with the Fragments: Further Thoughts on Norman Geras’s Critique of Post-Marxism

Jules Townshend


Trump and American Fascism

Jerry Harris, Carl Davidson, Bill Fletcher Jr., and Paul Harris


An Ideological Critique of Neo-liberalism: A Case Study of Hayek

Yuan Zhixiu and Zhang Zhidan


Can Starving People Go on a Hunger Strike? The Maoist Movement in India and the Global Revolution

John Maerhofer


Conceptualising the Economy-Society Nexus in Well-Being and Happiness Initiatives: Gross National Happiness in Business in Bhutan and Social Impact Bonds in the United Kingdom

Donatella Alessandrini and Suhraiya Jivraj


The Politics of National Interests and the English Language: Constructing the Falklands War

Shih-Yu Chou


Future Legacy of the Russian Revolution: Participatory Political Economies

Marek Hrubec


Why Lenin Chose the October Revolution But Not the July Revolution?

Yu Bin and Guo Zhiwei


Information and Trends

White Supremacism and Racial Conflict in the Trump Era

Pei Shaohua


发布时间:2018-01-10 10:17:00