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Volume 7   Number 1   March 2017





The Contemporary Crisis and the Time for Cultural Studies: Interview with Lawrence Grossberg

Lawrence Grossberg and Liu Zixu



Has China Turned to Capitalism?—Reflections on the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism

Domenico Losurdo


China’s Challenge to the West: Possibility and Reality

William Jefferies


Western Perception of Socialist Democracy with Chinese Characteristics: The Viewpoints of the French Left-wing Intellectuals and the French Communist Party

Peggy Raphaëlle Cantave Fuyet


The Generalized Pathology of Our Era: Comparing the Biomedical Explanation, the Cultural-Political Explanation, and a Liberal-Humanistic-Postmodernist Perspective

Carl Ratner


The Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Diaoyu Islands and the Ryukyu Issue

Zhang Haipeng and Li Guoqiang


Book Reviews

Review of Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty

Jean-Claude Delaunay


The Non-Violence Movement and Its Contradictions in the Context of History—A Review of Non-Violence: A History beyond the Myth by Domenico Losurdo

Stefano G. Azzarà and Leonardo Pegoraro


Information and Trends

Causes of the Socialist Wind in Capitalist America

Xuan Chuanshu and Tan Yangfang


The Journal Marxism 21

Provided by Seongjin Jeong




发布时间:2017-04-29 21:33:00