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Volume 6   Number 4   December 2016




Special Issue: Russia, Ukraine and Contemporary Imperialism

Co-edited by Boris Kagarlitsky, Radhika Desai, and Alan Freeman


The Conflict in Ukraine and Contemporary Imperialism

Radhika Desai, Alan Freeman and Boris Kagarlitsky


Ukraine and Russia: Two States, One Crisis

Boris Kagarlitsky


The Donbass in 2014: Ultra-Right Threats, Working-Class Revolt, and Russian Policy Responses

Renfrey Clarke


Ukraine and the New Economic Cold War

Michael Hudson


Semi-Peripheral Russia and the Ukraine Crisis

Ruslan Dzarasov


Russia, United States and Ukraine in the Long Economic Crisis: Assessments and Prospects for the Developmental State

Jeffrey Sommers and Vasily Koltashov


Theses on Ukraine: Dialogue with an Emerging Leadership

Anna Vladimirovna Ochkina


The International Context: Russia, Ukraine and the Drift to East-West Confrontation

David Lane


Russia: A New Imperialist Power?

Alexander Buzgalin, Andrey Kolganov and Olga Barashkova


Information and Trends

NewColdWar.Org: Indispensable News Source


Call for Papers

100th Anniversary of the October Revolution


Revolutions: A Conference



发布时间:2017-04-29 21:32:00