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Volume 6   Number 3   September 2016




Symposium: The Formation of Global Capitalism

Introduction: The Formation of Global Capitalism

Jerry Harris and Marek Hrubec


The Transnational Capitalist Class, Social Movements, and Alternatives to Capitalist Globalization

Leslie Sklair


Recent Developments of Totalitarian Capitalism and the Evolving World Order: Some Implications for Social Movements

George Liodakis


Flags of Convenience and Global Capitalism

Anthony van Fossen


Conflicts of the Global State

Marek Hrubec



Marxism in the Anthropocene: Dialectical Rifts on the Left

John Bellamy Foster


The Anthropocene: Thinking in “Deep Geological Time” or Deep Libidinal Time?

Ariel Salleh


A Comparison of the Research Approaches of Capital in the Twenty-First Century and Capital

Wei Xiaoping


Book Review

Stanley Levison’s Financial Role in the Civil Rights and Communist Movements in the 1940s to 1960s: A Rank-and-File Perspective

Toby Terrar


Information and Trends

“Socialist” Factors in the US Presidential Election

Zhang Xinning and Pei Shaohua




发布时间:2017-04-29 21:32:00